Associate Professor Teresa Mitchell-Paterson

Associate Professor Teresa Mitchell-Paterson ADV DIP NAT, BHSc Complementary Medicine, MHSc Nutritional Medicine, Post Grad Oncology Nutrition Certification.

Awarded the inaugural Integrative Medicine Award 2016 Excellence in Practice Naturopathy and Finalist 2017, ATMS practitioner award 2019, highly commended. Naturopath at Bourke Street clinic – integrative practice (formerly Sydney Integrative Medicine and Uclinic). An innovative national and international public speaker with a wealth of nutritional and naturopathic knowledge.

Teresa Mitchell-Paterson is a tertiary academic at Torrens University and is completing a PhD in dietary aspects linked to stoma patients post-surgery. Teresa has extensive experience assisting patients back to wellness in many dysfunctional health concerns. Of particular interest to Teresa is tissue repair and growth in the exercising population, having majored in Sports Nutrition and Sports Physiology at Deakin University. She has been in continuous naturopathic practice for over 25 years with a large focus on assisting patients through the cancer journey. She is also a Panelist for the Health and Wellness panel of the Memorial Winston Churchill Trust, Ambassador and Fellow of ATMS and holds an Honorary Membership with the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners UK and a nutritional advisory position with Bowel Cancer Australia.