Ian O’Dwyer

Ian O’Dwyer guides clients to optimal performance, identifying positive mindset and movement patterns. He coaches the human being, not the human body.

Ian’s passion is enhancing the Coach, Trainer and End-user experience, providing solutions to many of the difficult questions and cases. Combining observation, motion and bodywork have permitted Ian to create innovative and practical solutions merging enjoyment, education and empowerment.

Ian’s unique perspective of motion allows him to challenge countless traditional methods, striving for optimal well-being through better fundamental movement. His ability to facilitate cutting edge science and research into more user-friendly practical exercises and understanding has seen people become more willing to “change or adapt” their way of practice.

Ian has accumulated over 25 year’s experience in the Wellness Industry and is considered one of the “Elders”, focusing on strong global relationships and collaboration. His experience and results allow him to help clients across various pain and dysfunction – from sedentary to chronic and elite.