Mark Davis

Mark is a physiotherapist with an extensive background in the fitness industry. He has been involved in the preparation of thousands of fitness professionals in Australia and internationally. Mark is the co-creator of the popular mSwing program which makes fitness fun and accessible to a broad range of participants. Mark has over 30 years experience in the fitness industry and has developed effective rehabilitation systems for individuals, sports and industry. Mark has presented and worked in program development for Australian Fitness Network, The Children’s Hospital Institute of Sports Medicine and the Australian Institute of Fitness. He has also lectured in undergraduate exercise science programs. Mark has coached numerous sporting teams including the amazing Pengari Panthers basketball team. Mark is also a music tragic who works as a roadie, sound guy, cheer squad and bank for his daughter’s alt metal band Krave. Mark is a regular presenter at fitness industry conventions and is a former recipient of the prestigious Australian Fitness Industry Presenter of the Year award.