The Do’s and Don’ts of Training peri and menopausal women

The natural ageing experience for women can bring both anxiety and distress because of the symptoms that can accompany menopause. Spoiler Alert: Hot flushes (experienced by 75% of women going through menopause) IS NOT the only consideration that Fitness Professionals need to be aware of!
Menopause affects hormones, bones, ligaments, joints, heart and mental health. The changing training needs should begin for all women in their mid to late forties as prep for this immense change.
This romp through menopause will equip, entertain and enlighten you to get the best training outcomes for your clients.

* Understand key chronic conditions associated with menopause
* Hormonal implications and how to train for them (rather than against them)
* Appropriate questions and language to be inclusive (rather than ageist)
* Learn actionable strategies to implement immediately into exercise cueing

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